In case you do not wish to dive into the removal preparations yourself, you can rely on our packers, professionals who do this for a living. We discuss beforehand when they will start packing. Usually we commence our task one day before the actual removal. When it’s a small-scale removal, the packers take an early start the day of the removal itself. As such all inconveniences related to the removal process are limited to a minimum.
Our packers take all the work off your hands, label the boxes with an etiquette specifying the content and the location in your new home. This last detail is discussed beforehand so you can come and go as your wish on the packing day itself. At the end of they day you’ll find your house packed in removal boxes and ready to go. If you wish, our packers take charge of the unpacking as well. By the time they leave, your new home is decorated again and you enjoy a lazy evening on the couch.
In short, van Buuren makes sure you move house in the shortest period of time!